Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist sql-server sql-server

Unable to connect: Adaptive Server is unavailable or does not exist

I kinda get it worked by modifying freetds.conf


[global]    # TDS protocol version;   tds version = 4.2


[global]    # TDS protocol versiontds version = 7.0

This worked for me with ASE 16.0 installed and running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, both client and server.

  • SERVER: Make sure there is an entry in /etc/hosts of your server (sybaseServer). In a standard Ubuntu 14.04 installation you will not find this, but " sybaseServer". But sybase seems depends on it.

... sybaseServer

  • CLIENT: The entry in freetds.conf is

host =
port = 5000
tds version = 5.0

Now you can connect to your server:

$tsql -S SYBASE -U sa

  • obviously you have to replace IP-address, servername etc. with your own data