What is the equivalent Syntax for Outer Apply in PostgreSQL [duplicate] What is the equivalent Syntax for Outer Apply in PostgreSQL [duplicate] sql-server sql-server

What is the equivalent Syntax for Outer Apply in PostgreSQL [duplicate]

It is a lateral join:

SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, Supp.ID, Supp.SupplierFROM SIS_PRS table1 LEFT JOIN LATERAL     (SELECT ID, SupplierName      FROM table2      WHERE table2.ID = table1.SupplierID      FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY     ) Supp     ON true;

However, you can come pretty close in either database with just a correlated subquery:

SELECT table1.col1, table1.col2, table1.SupplierID,        (SELECT Name        FROM table2        WHERE table2.ID = table1.SupplierID        FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY       ) as SupplierNameFROM SIS_PRS table1;

Also note that in both databases, fetching one row with no ORDER BY is suspicious.