What's a good way to check if two datetimes are on the same calendar day in TSQL? What's a good way to check if two datetimes are on the same calendar day in TSQL? sql-server sql-server

What's a good way to check if two datetimes are on the same calendar day in TSQL?

This is much more concise:

where   datediff(day, date1, date2) = 0

You pretty much have to keep the left side of your where clause clean. So, normally, you'd do something like:

WHERE MyDateTime >= @activityDateMidnight       AND MyDateTime < (@activityDateMidnight + 1)

(Some folks prefer DATEADD(d, 1, @activityDateMidnight) instead - but it's the same thing).

The TimeZone table complicates matter a bit though. It's a little unclear from your snippet, but it looks like t.TheDateInTable is in GMT with a Time Zone identifier, and that you're then adding the offset to compare against @activityDateMidnight - which is in local time. I'm not sure what ds.LocalTimeZone is, though.

If that's the case, then you need to get @activityDateMidnight into GMT instead.

whereyear(date1) = year(date2)and month(date1) = month(date2)and day(date1) = day(date2)