Calculate business days in Oracle SQL(no functions or procedure) Calculate business days in Oracle SQL(no functions or procedure) sql sql

Calculate business days in Oracle SQL(no functions or procedure)

The solution, finally:

SELECT OrderNumber, InstallDate, CompleteDate,  (TRUNC(CompleteDate) - TRUNC(InstallDate) ) +1 -   ((((TRUNC(CompleteDate,'D'))-(TRUNC(InstallDate,'D')))/7)*2) -  (CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(InstallDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SUN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) -  (CASE WHEN TO_CHAR(CompleteDate,'DY','nls_date_language=english')='SAT' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as BusinessDaysFROM OrdersORDER BY OrderNumber;

Thanks for all your responses !

I took into account all the different approaches discussed above and came up with a simple query that gives us the number of working days in each month of the year between two dates:

WITH test_data AS ( SELECT TO_DATE('01-JAN-14') AS start_date, TO_DATE('31-DEC-14') AS end_date
FROM dual ), all_dates AS (
SELECT td.start_date, td.end_date, td.start_date + LEVEL-1 as week_day FROM test_data td CONNECT BY td.start_date + LEVEL-1 <= td.end_date)SELECT TO_CHAR(week_day, 'MON'), COUNT(*)
FROM all_dates WHERE to_char(week_day, 'dy', 'nls_date_language=AMERICAN') NOT IN ('sun' , 'sat') GROUP BY TO_CHAR(week_day, 'MON');

Please feel free to modify the query as needed.

Try this:

with holidays as (select d from (select minDate + level -1 d from (select min(submitDate) minDate, max (completeDate) maxDate from t) connect by level <= maxDate - mindate + 1)  where to_char(d, 'dy', 'nls_date_language=AMERICAN') not in ('sun' , 'sat'))select t.OrderNo, t.submitDate, t.completeDate, count(*) businessDaysfrom t join holidays h on h.d between t.submitDate and t.completeDategroup by t.OrderNo, t.submitDate, t.completeDateorder by orderno

Here is a sqlfiddle demo