composite identifier, but uses an ID generator other than manually assigning + Symfony2 composite identifier, but uses an ID generator other than manually assigning + Symfony2 sql sql

composite identifier, but uses an ID generator other than manually assigning + Symfony2

I think this line (in Item):

/** * @ORM\DiscriminatorMap({"ITEM"="Item", "ARTICLE"="Article" "IMAGE"="Media"}) */

should be:

/** * @ORM\DiscriminatorMap({"ITEM"="Item", "ARTICLE"="Article", "IMAGE"="Media"}) *                                                          ^ */

I'm not really sure, but it could be that the discriminator map needs fully qualified classnames:

/** * @ORM\DiscriminatorMap({ *     "ITEM"="Beachteam\BeachteamBundle\Entity\Item", *     "ARTICLE"="Beachteam\BeachteamBundle\Entity\Article", *     "IMAGE"="Beachteam\BeachteamBundle\Entity\Media" * }) */

Next you will need to remove the property $type from Item, because type is already used as discriminator column.

You might also want to use the console to validate your mappings:

app/console doctrine:schema:validate

Fix all errors that might be reported.


Property Beachteam\BeachteamBundle\Entity\Item::$type does not exist

This means that somewhere in the code the (now non-existent) property $type of class Item is still being used. You'll have to track down where.

  • Search your code for ->type.
  • Clear the cache (delete the content of the app/cache folder and run app/console cache:clear.

I think that you planed Item::$type attribute while generating doctrine as a inheritance attribute. But this is also created by annotation:

@ORM\DiscriminatorColumn(name="type", type="string")

You have part of a table key and field with the same name. Try to remove class attribute (and getter, setter method), then update schema

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

After this change your classes works like a charm on my box

Good Luck!