Count data as zero if it is null when where clause is used Count data as zero if it is null when where clause is used sql sql

Count data as zero if it is null when where clause is used

Your where condition on the outer joined table turns the outer join into an inner join (because the "non-existing rows will have a NULL value and the comparison of NULL with something else yields "undefined" and thus will remove that row from the result)

You need to move that condition into the join condition:

SELECT as name,       count(log.stage_id) as stage_countFROM crm_lead as opp   LEFT JOIN crm_lead_stage_log as log          ON = log.opportunity_id        AND log.create_date > '2014-01-28 08:49:03'GROUP BY name;

If you want return zero when the result is null, you can use the comand COALESCE.

SELECT AS name,COALESCE(COUNT(log.stage_id)),0) AS stage_countFROM crm_lead AS opp LEFT OUTER JOIN crm_lead_stage_log AS log ON ( = log.opportunity_id)GROUP BY name

It return "0" when count get a null value.