Creating JOOQ query dynamically Creating JOOQ query dynamically sql sql

Creating JOOQ query dynamically

jOOQ has two types of APIs to construct queries.

  • The DSL API that allows for creating inline SQL statements in your Java code, e.g., T.B).from(T).where(T.X.eq(3).and(T.Y.eq(5)));
  • The "model" API that allows for incremental SQL building. At any time, you can access the "model" API through the getQuery() method on a DSL query object

An example of what you want to do is given in the manual here:

For instance, optionally adding a join:

DSLContext create = DSL.using(configuration);SelectQuery query = create.selectQuery();query.addFrom(AUTHOR);// Join books only under certain circumstancesif (join)    query.addJoin(BOOK, BOOK.AUTHOR_ID.equal(AUTHOR.ID));Result<?> result = query.fetch();

Or, optinally adding conditions / predicates:


UPDATE: Given your comments, that's what you're looking for:

// Retrieve search strings from your user input (just an example)String titleSearchString = userInput.get("TITLE");String languageSearchString = userInput.get("LANGUAGE");boolean lookingForTitles = titleSearchString != null;boolean lookingForLanguages = languageSearchString != null;// Add only those conditions that the user actually provided:if (lookingForTitles)    query.addConditions("%" + titleSearchString + "%"));else if (lookingForLanguages)    query.addConditions(BOOK.LANGUAGE_CD.eq(languageSearchString));

Note, you can also use the, Object) methods:

// Initialise your dynamic argumentsField<String> field = BOOK.TITLE;Comparator comparator = Comparator.LIKE;String value = "%" + titleSearchString + "%";// Pass them to the methodquery.addConditions(, value));

For more info, consider the org.jooq.SelectQuery Javadoc