Does SQL Server creates Non clustered index by default Does SQL Server creates Non clustered index by default sql sql

Does SQL Server creates Non clustered index by default

The only indexes that get created automatically:

  • the clustered index on your primary key (unless you specify otherwise - if you define your primary key to be nonclustered, then a nonclustered index will be created)

  • a unique nonclustered index when you apply a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT to a column (or set of columns)

Just to spell it out - the Result of Pinal Dave's example are indexes similar to the following:

TestTable   PK__TestTabl__3214EC2703317E3D  CLUSTEREDTestTable   UQ__TestTabl__A259EE55060DEAE8  NONCLUSTERED

Which can be explained as follows:

PK Clustered

If a table is created with a primary key, then it is a Clustered Table, and the Clustered Index is defaulted to the Primary Key unless you specify otherwise. (Tables without a Clustered Index are Heaps)

UQ Nonclustered

SQL does not usually create any non-clustered indexes on a table by default.

However, as Marc has pointed out, because the table has a column with a UNIQUE constraint, (Col1 INT NOT NULL UNIQUE), MS SQL implements the constraint as a unique, non-clustered index on that column.

See also: Is the Sql Server Unique Key also an Index?