Find unique number of days Find unique number of days sql sql

Find unique number of days

One possible approach to simplify the statement in the question(fiddle), is to use VALUES table value constructor and appropriate joins:

SELECT    t.emp_id,   SUM(CASE       WHEN d1.day_no = d2.day_no THEN 1      ELSE d2.day_no - d1.day_no   END) AS no_of_daysFROM times tJOIN (VALUES ('monday', 1), ('tuesday', 2), ('wednesday', 3), ('thursday', 4), ('friday', 5)) d1 (day, day_no)    ON t.start_day = d1.dayJOIN (VALUES ('monday', 1), ('tuesday', 2), ('wednesday', 3), ('thursday', 4), ('friday', 5)) d2 (day, day_no)    ON t.end_day = d2.dayGROUP BY t.emp_id

But if you want to count the distinct days, the statement is different. You need to find all days between the start_day and end_day range and count the distinct days:

;WITH daysCTE (day, day_no) AS (   SELECT 'monday', 1 UNION ALL   SELECT 'tuesday', 2 UNION ALL   SELECT 'wednesday', 3 UNION ALL   SELECT 'thursday', 4 UNION ALL   SELECT 'friday', 5 )SELECT t.emp_id, COUNT(DISTINCT d3.day_no)FROM times tJOIN daysCTE d1 ON t.start_day = d1.dayJOIN daysCTE d2 ON t.end_day = d2.dayJOIN daysCTE d3 ON d3.day_no BETWEEN d1.day_no AND d2.day_noGROUP BY t.emp_id

You need to basically find the intersection of the days worked by each emp_id on each task with all the days of the week, and then count the distinct days:

with days_num as (  SELECT *  FROM (    VALUES ('monday', 1), ('tuesday', 2), ('wednesday', 3), ('thursday', 4), ('friday', 5)  ) AS d (day, day_no)),emp_day_nums as (  select emp_id, d1.day_no AS start_day_no, d2.day_no AS end_day_no  from times t  join days_num d1 on = t.start_day  join days_num d2 on = t.end_day)select emp_id, count(distinct d.day_no) AS distinct_daysfrom emp_day_nums ejoin days_num d on d.day_no between e.start_day_no and e.end_day_nogroup by emp_id


emp_id  distinct_days1       42       5

Demo on SQLFiddle

with cte as (Select id, start_day as day   group by id, start_day union  Select id, end_day as day   group by id, end_day)select id, count(day)from ctegroup by id