Get distinct consecutive date ranges from overlapping date ranges Get distinct consecutive date ranges from overlapping date ranges sql sql

Get distinct consecutive date ranges from overlapping date ranges

The logic is:

  • at the beginning of an interval add its value to a cumulative sum
  • at the end of an interval substract its value from this sum
  • but in order to sweep the dateline, we'll have to collect al the (unique) date/time stamps, either start or stop.

So the point is: convert the data from a series of intervals to a series of (start/stop) events, and aggregate over these.

-- \i tmp.sqlcreate table coinsonperiod(  id serial,  startdate date,  enddate date,  coins integer);insert into coinsonperiod (startdate, enddate, coins) values  ('2018-01-01','2018-01-31', 80), ('2018-01-07','2018-01-10', 10), ('2018-01-07','2018-01-31', 10), ('2018-01-11','2018-01-31', 5), ('2018-01-25','2018-01-27', 5), ('2018-02-02','2018-02-23', 100)        ;WITH changes AS (    SELECT startdate AS tickdate , coins            , 1 AS cover    FROM coinsonperiod    UNION ALL    -- add 1 day to convert to half-open intervals    SELECT 1+enddate AS tickdate, -1* coins            , -1 AS cover    FROM coinsonperiod    ), sumchanges  AS (        SELECT tickdate, SUM(coins) AS change, SUM(cover) AS cover        FROM changes        GROUP BY tickdate        ), aggregated AS (        SELECT        tickdate AS startdate        , lead(tickdate) over www AS enddate        , sum(change) OVER www AS cash          -- number of covered intervals        , sum(cover) OVER www AS cover        FROM sumchanges        WINDOW www AS (ORDER BY tickdate)        )             -- substract one day from enddate to correct back to closed intervalsSELECT startdate, enddate-1 AS enddate, cash, coverFROM aggregatedWHERE cover > 0ORDER BY startdate        ;

Looks like I found an ugly one that works

select t1.dt, t1.enddt, sum(coins)from (    select distinct cp1.dt, min(cp2.dt) enddt    from ( select startdate as dt from coinsonperiod union all select enddate as dt from coinsonperiod ) cp1,          ( select startdate as dt from coinsonperiod union all select enddate as dt from coinsonperiod ) cp2    where cp2.dt > cp1.dt    group by cp1.dt    order by cp1.dt ) t1, coinsonperiod t2where t1.dt between t2.startdate and t2.enddateand t1.enddt between t2.startdate and t2.enddategroup by t1.dt, t1.enddt


dt         |enddt      |sum |-----------|-----------|----|2018-01-01 |2018-01-07 |80  |2018-01-07 |2018-01-10 |100 |2018-01-10 |2018-01-11 |90  |2018-01-11 |2018-01-25 |95  |2018-01-25 |2018-01-27 |100 |2018-01-27 |2018-01-31 |95  |2018-02-02 |2018-02-23 |100 |

Only difference with your output is that I suppose you forgot the interval between 01/10 and 01/11

Okay, so I'm going to help you with the logic bit, the syntax you can find online.

What you can do, is create a temp table and move you data there, then select each row of data and for each column data store the value in a declared variable.

Then simply use a cursor, and select all the data from your source table and again use a normal greater then or less than operator and work your way to get the count.

Simple get row 1 column 1, compare against all other column 1 and column 2 data.