How can I fetch the data from the SYS_REFCURSOR from one stored proc and use it in another? How can I fetch the data from the SYS_REFCURSOR from one stored proc and use it in another? sql sql

How can I fetch the data from the SYS_REFCURSOR from one stored proc and use it in another?

Assuming that the caller knows the structure of the cursor that aProcedure is opening, you can do something like this.

declare  l_rc sys_refcursor;  l_rec temp_table%rowtype;begin  aProcedure( l_rc );  loop    fetch l_rc     into l_rec;    exit when l_rc%notfound;    dbms_output.put_line( l_rec.col1 );  end loop;  close l_rc;end;/

If you can't fetch into a record type, you can also fetch into a number of other scalar local variables (the number and type have to match the number and type of columns that aProcedure specifies in its SELECT list). In my case, I defined aProcedure to return two numeric columns

declare  l_rc sys_refcursor;  l_col1 number;  l_col2 number;begin  aProcedure( l_rc );  loop    fetch l_rc     into l_col1, l_col2;    exit when l_rc%notfound;    dbms_output.put_line( l_col1 );  end loop;  close l_rc;end;