How do I properly insert multiple rows into PG with node-postgres? How do I properly insert multiple rows into PG with node-postgres? sql sql

How do I properly insert multiple rows into PG with node-postgres?

Use pg-format like below.

var format = require('pg-format');var values = [  [7, 'john22', '', '9999999922'],   [6, 'testvk', '', '88888888888']];client.query(format('INSERT INTO users (id, name, email, phone) VALUES %L', values),[], (err, result)=>{  console.log(err);  console.log(result);});

One other way using PostgreSQL json functions:

client.query('INSERT INTO table (columns) ' +  'SELECT m.* FROM json_populate_recordset(null::your_custom_type, $1) AS m',  [JSON.stringify(your_json_object_array)], function(err, result) {    if (err) {      console.log(err);    } else {      console.log(result);    }});

Following this article: Performance Boost from pg-promise library, and its suggested approach:

// Concatenates an array of objects or arrays of values, according to the template,// to use with insert queries. Can be used either as a class type or as a function.//// template = formatting template string// data = array of either objects or arrays of valuesfunction Inserts(template, data) {    if (!(this instanceof Inserts)) {        return new Inserts(template, data);    }    this._rawDBType = true;    this.formatDBType = function () {        return>'(' +, d) + ')').join(',');    };}

An example of using it, exactly as in your case:

var users = [['John', 23], ['Mike', 30], ['David', 18]];db.none('INSERT INTO Users(name, age) VALUES $1', Inserts('$1, $2', users))    .then(data=> {        // OK, all records have been inserted    })    .catch(error=> {        // Error, no records inserted    });

And it will work with an array of objects as well:

var users = [{name: 'John', age: 23}, {name: 'Mike', age: 30}, {name: 'David', age: 18}];db.none('INSERT INTO Users(name, age) VALUES $1', Inserts('${name}, ${age}', users))    .then(data=> {        // OK, all records have been inserted    })    .catch(error=> {        // Error, no records inserted    });


For a high-performance approach via a single INSERT query see Multi-row insert with pg-promise.


The information here is quite old now, see the latest syntax for Custom Type Formatting. What used to be _rawDBType is now rawType, and formatDBType was renamed into toPostgres.