How do you do fuzzy searches using bound parameters in PDO? How do you do fuzzy searches using bound parameters in PDO? sql sql

How do you do fuzzy searches using bound parameters in PDO?

Ah. Found a comment on that reminded me of the answer; you need to wildcard your value before the bindParam is evaluated, and not worry about quoting it. So for example this works fine:

$str = "%$str%";$query = $db->prepare("select * from comments where comment like :search");$query->bindParam(':search', $str);$query->execute();

5 years later, in case anyone else stumbles upon this, there is an alternative method I've discovered. The accepted solution wasn't really feasible for my situation, but this method seems to get the job done as well:

$query = $db->prepare("select * FROM table WHERE field LIKE CONCAT('%',:search,'%')");$query->bindParam(':search', $str);$query->execute();

I'm not sure if there will be a performance hit due to the overhead of calling the CONCAT function, but I wanted to pass this along as an option. Hopefully it will help someone.