How in H2DB get sql dump like in MySql? How in H2DB get sql dump like in MySql? sql sql

How in H2DB get sql dump like in MySql?

Yes, there are multiple solutions. One is to run the SCRIPT SQL statement:

SCRIPT TO 'fileName'

Another is to use the Script tool:

java -url <url> -user <user> -password <password>

Then, there are also the RUNSCRIPT statement and RunScript tool.

By the way, you should consider upgrading to a more recent version of H2. With newer versions, the two files .data.db and .index.db are combined in to a .h2.db file.

If you want to get schema and data, you can use

SCRIPT TO 'dump.sql';

If you want to get only schema, you can use

SCRIPT SIMPLE TO 'dump.txt';

Your shortcut:

$$ wget -O h2.jar$$ java -cp h2.jar -url "jdbc:h2:file:./foo" -user sa -password ""$$ cat backup.sql | head -n 20;CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS "SA" SALT 'bbe17...redacted...' HASH 'a24b84f1fe898...redacted...' ADMIN;CREATE SEQUENCE "PUBLIC"."HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE" START WITH 145;CREATE CACHED TABLE "PUBLIC"."...redacted..."(    "ID" INTEGER NOT NULL SELECTIVITY 100,    [...redacted...]    "...redacted..." VARCHAR(255) SELECTIVITY 100);ALTER TABLE "PUBLIC"."...redacted..." ADD CONSTRAINT "PUBLIC"."CONSTRAINT_8" PRIMARY KEY("ID");-- 102 +/- SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PUBLIC.[...redacted...];INSERT INTO "PUBLIC"."...redacted..." VALUES([...redacted...]),