How to convert Unix epoch time in SQLite How to convert Unix epoch time in SQLite sql sql

How to convert Unix epoch time in SQLite

To change the values in the database, use the UPDATE command:

UPDATE MyTable SET MyColumn = datetime(MyColumn, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')

1319017136629 is a value in milliseconds, which is not UNIX epoch time;therefore it has to be divided by 1000 and rounded to integer seconds; only then DATE() and DATETIME() will convert.

SELECT DATETIME(ROUND(dateColumn / 1000), 'unixepoch') AS isodate FROM tableName

Converting database values to localtime is unfortunate; conversion on output is less problematic.

The Y2038 problem might already be worth a consideration.

SELECT DATE(ROUND(1601272453000 / 1000), 'unixepoch')