How to find the size of an array in postgresql How to find the size of an array in postgresql sql sql

How to find the size of an array in postgresql

As vyegorov mentioned, array_length will do the trick. Or if you know that the array is 1-dimensional (which is likely) and are running PostgreSQL 9.4 or higher, you can use cardinality:

SELECT cardinality(id) FROM example;

It's trivial reading docs:

SELECT array_length(id, 1) FROM example;

Assuming the dimension of the array will always be 1 isn't something I feel comfortable with, so I went with the following:

SELECT coalesce(array_length(id, 1), 0) as size FROM example;

It's been... at least a decade, but we used to do a lot with coalesce and it was pretty handy. Maybe I'm reaching for it out of comfort?