How to get all the result columns from database with other custom(concat, sum, count) columns in Jooq How to get all the result columns from database with other custom(concat, sum, count) columns in Jooq sql sql

How to get all the result columns from database with other custom(concat, sum, count) columns in Jooq

Option 1 (using the asterisk):

The * (asterisk, star) operator has been added to jOOQ 3.11 through DSL.asterisk() (unqualified asterisk) or through Table.asterisk() (qualified asterisk). It can be used like any other column being projected.

Prior to jOOQ 3.11, there were the following other options as well:

Option 2 (with the DSL syntax):

List<Field<?>> fields = new ArrayList<Field<?>>();fields.addAll(Arrays.asList(Table1.TABLE1.fields()));fields.add(Table1.ID.count().as("IdCount"));Select<?> select =;

Option 3 (with the "regular" syntax, which you used):

SelectQuery q = factory.selectQuery();q.addSelect(Table1.TABLE1.fields());q.addSelect(Table1.ID.count().as("IdCount"));q.addFrom(Table1.TABLE1);

Option 4 (added in a later version of jOOQ):

// For convenience, you can now specify several "SELECT"   .select(Table1.ID.count().as("IdCount")   .from(Table1.TABLE1);

All of the above options are using the Table.fields() method, which of course relies on such meta information being present at runtime, e.g. by using the code generator.