How to grant sendmail permission to sql server user? How to grant sendmail permission to sql server user? sql sql

How to grant sendmail permission to sql server user?

Please try with the below 2 options.

USE msdb;--add our userCREATE USER  ClarkKent FOR LOGIN  ClarkKent; --give this user rights to use dbmailexec sp_addrolemember 'DatabaseMailUserRole', 'ClarkKent'

now if we know ClarkKent is getting his authorization from a windows group, then you add that windows group as a user, and add that group to the same role;

USE msdb;--add our user via a group we know he is in CREATE USER 'mydomain\BusinessGroup' FOR LOGIN   'mydomain\BusinessGroup'; --give this GROUP rights to use dbmailexec sp_addrolemember 'DatabaseMailUserRole', 'mydomain\BusinessGroup'

You need to assign the login (or a role) to the mail profile after adding it to the database mail role. For the script below, a default of one may need to be set, instead of zero.

use msdbexec sp_addrolemember 'DatabaseMailUserRole', 'sqlUser'EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile_sp  @principal_name = 'sqlUser',  @profile_name = 'sqlMailProfileName',@is_default = 0 

enter image description here

you need add 'DatabasemailUserRole' for MSDB database to user