How to Iterate through HashMap in MyBatis foreach? How to Iterate through HashMap in MyBatis foreach? sql sql

How to Iterate through HashMap in MyBatis foreach?

this is an example in my project and it works fine

<select id="getObject" parameterType="Map" resultType="hashmap">        select * from TABL where     <foreach  collection="dataMap"  index="key" item="value"  open=""  separator=" and "  close="">        #{key}=#{value}    </foreach></select>

This solution doesn't work since version 3.2 - see more in Issue #208 !

Finally I've the solution for HashMap

I Should use entrySet() in order to make it iteratable

<select id="selectCOLC" parameterType="map" resultType="kpMap">    SELECT COL_C    FROM TBLE_1    WHERE (COL_A, COL_B) in     <foreach item="item" collection="entries.entrySet()" open="((" separator="),(" close="))">        #{item.key},#{item.value}    </foreach></select>

One more Isue I was facing parameter name was not getting injected, Hence added @Param annotation

Hence mapper interface looks like below.

List<TblData> selectCOLC(@Param("entries")            HashMap<String, String> entries)

As a user of mybatis 3.5, I came through this.

Unfortunately, none of the solutions posted here worked for me but this does:

<foreach collection="_parameter.entrySet()" index="key" item="element" separator=",">    MY_COLUMN = #{key} AND MY_OTHER_COLUMN = #{element}</foreach>

So, in my case collection="_parameter.entrySet()" did the trick!

Moreover, none specification regarding the parameterType was needed.