How to separate positive and negative numbers into their own columns? How to separate positive and negative numbers into their own columns? sql sql

How to separate positive and negative numbers into their own columns?

select activity_dt,     sum(case when activity_amt < 0 then activity_amt else 0 end) as debits,     sum(case when activity_amt > 0 then activity_amt else 0 end) as creditsfrom the_tablegroup by activity_dtorder by activity_dt

I'm not sure about the exact syntax in Sybase, but you should be able to group on the date and sum up the positive and negative values:

select  activity_dt,  sum(case when activity_amt < 0 then activity_amt else 0 end) as debits,  sum(case when activity_amt >= 0 then activity_amt else 0 end) as creditsfrom  theTablegroup by  activity_dt

I found a new answer to this problem using the DECODE function. I hope this turns out to be useful for everyone.

select activity_dt, sum((DECODE(activity_amt /-ABS(activity_amt), 1, activity_amt, 0))) as credits,sum((DECODE(activity_amt /-ABS(activity_amt), -1, activity_amt, 0))) as debitsfrom the_tablegroup by activity_dtorder by activity_dt;