Import sql file in node.js and execute against PostgreSQL Import sql file in node.js and execute against PostgreSQL sql sql

Import sql file in node.js and execute against PostgreSQL

You can just separate consequent queries with a semicolon when passed to client.query

That works:

var pg = require('pg');pg.connect('postgres://test:test@localhost/test', function(err, client, done){        client.query('CREATE TABLE test (test VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO test VALUES(\'test\') ');        done();});

And consequently, that works too:

var pg = require('pg');var fs = require('fs');var sql = fs.readFileSync('init_database.sql').toString();pg.connect('postgres://test:test@localhost/test', function(err, client, done){    if(err){        console.log('error: ', err);        process.exit(1);    }    client.query(sql, function(err, result){        done();        if(err){            console.log('error: ', err);            process.exit(1);        }        process.exit(0);    });});

I've written the following function which works for my case. It would have been much more simpler if it weren't for:

  • Using batch to manage concurrency
  • Having the tricky PostgreSQL COPY case to consider

Code snippet:

function processSQLFile(fileName) {  // Extract SQL queries from files. Assumes no ';' in the fileNames  var queries = fs.readFileSync(fileName).toString()    .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm," ") // remove newlines    .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') // excess white space    .split(";") // split into all statements    .map(, String.prototype.trim)    .filter(function(el) {return el.length != 0}); // remove any empty ones  // Execute each SQL query sequentially  queries.forEach(function(query) {    batch.push(function(done) {      if (query.indexOf("COPY") === 0) { // COPY - needs special treatment        var regexp = /COPY\ (.*)\ FROM\ (.*)\ DELIMITERS/gmi;        var matches = regexp.exec(query);        var table = matches[1];        var fileName = matches[2];        var copyString = "COPY " + table + " FROM STDIN DELIMITERS ',' CSV HEADER";        var stream = client.copyFrom(copyString);        stream.on('close', function () {          done();        });        var csvFile = __dirname + '/' + fileName;        var str = fs.readFileSync(csvFile);        stream.write(str);        stream.end();      } else { // Other queries don't need special treatment        client.query(query, function(result) {          done();        });      }    });  });}

Beware that this would fail if you used semicolons anywhere except to terminate SQL statements.

The @databases/pg client supports running SQL files out of the box:

const createPool = require('@databases/pg');const {sql} = require('@databases/pg');const db = createPool();db.query(sql.file('my-file.sql')).catch(ex => {  console.error(ex);  process.exitCode = 1;}).then(() => db.dispose());

It also supports having multiple statements in a single call to db.query:

const createPool = require('@databases/pg');const {sql} = require('@databases/pg');const db = createPool();db.query(sql`  INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (${'Forbes'});  SELECT * FROM users;`)).then(  results => console.log(results)).catch(ex => {  console.error(ex);  process.exitCode = 1;}).then(() => db.dispose());

In this example, each statement is run in sequence, and the result of the last statement is returned.