insert a BLOB via a sql script? insert a BLOB via a sql script? sql sql

insert a BLOB via a sql script?

For testing, you can insert literal hex bytes or use the RAWTOHEX(string) function, as shown below.

create table a(id integer, item blob);insert into a values(1,'54455354');insert into a values(2, RAWTOHEX('Test'));select UTF8TOSTRING(item) from a;TESTTest

Addendum: For loading BLOB fields from a file, FILE_READ(fileNameString) may be a useful alternative.

insert into a values(3, FILE_READ('file.dat'));

Not h2database, but may help;

Example code from the linked blog article, should the link break again:

CREATE TABLE MyTable     (id int, image varbinary(max))INSERT INTO MyTable    SELECT      1        ,(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(            BULK 'C:\file.bmp', SINGLE_BLOB) as x )