Is it possible to call a .sql file in a doctrine migration? Is it possible to call a .sql file in a doctrine migration? sql sql

Is it possible to call a .sql file in a doctrine migration?

Yes, just put that .sql file and refer it from you migration class.

$this->addSql(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/sql-dump.sql'));

I know it's an old question, but it is still the only real hit when I googled for it. The above answer can be slightly improved. It's a simple thing, but you might not think of it. If you have a sql file that contains multiple queries divided by semicolon, you can explode the contents on semicolon.

<?phpforeach (explode(';', file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/sql-dump.sql')) as $sql) {    $this->addSql($sql);}

If you are using SQLite and want to execute a .sql file which cointains multiple statements separated by semicolon, I suggest using this code:

$this->connection->exec(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/sql-dump.sql'));

This beacuse if you use addSql() method, Doctrine will call the query() method, which doesn't support multiple statements in a single string, and will execute only the first one. Multiple statements are supported only with the exec() method. See: