Is it possible to run native sql with entity framework? Is it possible to run native sql with entity framework? sql sql

Is it possible to run native sql with entity framework?

For .NET Framework version 4 and above: use ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreCommand() if your query returns no results, and use ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery if your query returns results.

For previous .NET Framework versions, here's a sample illustrating what to do. Replace ExecuteNonQuery() as needed if your query returns results.

static void ExecuteSql(ObjectContext c, string sql){    var entityConnection = (System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection)c.Connection;    DbConnection conn = entityConnection.StoreConnection;    ConnectionState initialState = conn.State;    try    {        if (initialState != ConnectionState.Open)            conn.Open();  // open connection if not already open        using (DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())        {            cmd.CommandText = sql;            cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        }    }    finally    {        if (initialState != ConnectionState.Open)            conn.Close(); // only close connection if not initially open    }}

Using Entity Framework 5.0 you can use ExecuteSqlCommand to execute multi-line/multi-command pure SQL statements. This way you won't need to provide any backing object to store the returned value since the method returns an int (the result returned by the database after executing the command).


context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(@"-- Script Date: 10/1/2012 3:34 PM  - Generated by ExportSqlCe version IDENTITY_INSERT [Students] ON;INSERT INTO [Students] ([StudentId],[FirstName],[LastName],[BirthDate],[Address],[Neighborhood],[City],[State],[Phone],[MobilePhone],[Email],[Enrollment],[Gender],[Status]) VALUES (12,N'First Name',N'SecondName',{ts '1988-03-02 00:00:00.000'},N'RUA 19 A, 60',N'MORADA DO VALE',N'BARRA DO PIRAÍ',N'Rio de Janeiro',N'3346-7125',NULL,NULL,{ts '2011-06-04 21:25:26.000'},2,1);INSERT INTO [Students] ([StudentId],[FirstName],[LastName],[BirthDate],[Address],[Neighborhood],[City],[State],[Phone],[MobilePhone],[Email],[Enrollment],[Gender],[Status]) VALUES (13,N'FirstName',N'LastName',{ts '1976-04-12 00:00:00.000'},N'RUA 201, 2231',N'RECANTO FELIZ',N'BARRA DO PIRAÍ',N'Rio de Janeiro',N'3341-6892',NULL,NULL,{ts '2011-06-04 21:38:38.000'},2,1);");

For more on this, take a look here: Entity Framework Code First: Executing SQL files on database creation

For Entity Framework 5 use context.Database.SqlQuery.

And for Entity Framework 4 use context.ExecuteStoreQuerythe following code:

 public string BuyerSequenceNumberMax(int buyerId)    {        string sequenceMaxQuery = "SELECT TOP(1) btitosal.BuyerSequenceNumber FROM BuyerTakenItemToSale btitosal " +                                  "WHERE btitosal.BuyerID =  " + buyerId +                                  "ORDER BY  CONVERT(INT,SUBSTRING(btitosal.BuyerSequenceNumber,7, LEN(btitosal.BuyerSequenceNumber))) DESC";        var sequenceQueryResult = context.Database.SqlQuery<string>(sequenceMaxQuery).FirstOrDefault();        string buyerSequenceNumber = string.Empty;        if (sequenceQueryResult != null)        {            buyerSequenceNumber = sequenceQueryResult.ToString();        }        return buyerSequenceNumber;    }

To return a List use the following code:

 public List<PanelSerialList> PanelSerialByLocationAndStock(string locationCode, byte storeLocation, string itemCategory, string itemCapacity, byte agreementType, string packageCode) {       string panelSerialByLocationAndStockQuery = "SELECT isws.ItemSerialNo,  im.ItemModel " +        "FROM Inv_ItemMaster im   " +        "INNER JOIN  " +        "Inv_ItemStockWithSerialNoByLocation isws  " +        "   ON im.ItemCode = isws.ItemCode   " +        "       WHERE isws.LocationCode = '" + locationCode + "' AND  " +        "   isws.StoreLocation = " + storeLocation + " AND  " +        "   isws.IsAvailableInStore = 1 AND " +        "   im.ItemCapacity = '" + itemCapacity + "' AND " +        "   isws.ItemSerialNo NOT IN ( " +        "           Select sp.PanelSerialNo From Special_SpecialPackagePriceForResale sp  " +        "           Where sp.PackageCode = '" + packageCode + "' )";    return context.Database.SqlQuery<PanelSerialList>(panelSerialByLocationAndStockQuery).ToList();}