MyBatis Batch Insert/Update For Oracle MyBatis Batch Insert/Update For Oracle sql sql

MyBatis Batch Insert/Update For Oracle

The accepted answer is not the recommended way of handling batch operations. It does not show true batch statements since the batch executor mode should be used when opening a session. See this post in which a code contributor recommended that the proper way to batch update (or insert) is to open a session in batch mode and repeatedly call update (or insert) for a single record.

Here's what works for me:

public void updateRecords(final List<GisObject> objectsToUpdate) {    final SqlSession sqlSession = MyBatisUtils.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);    try {        final GisObjectMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(GisObjectMapper.class);        for (final GisObject gisObject : objectsToUpdate) {            mapper.updateRecord(gisObject);        }        sqlSession.commit();    } finally {        sqlSession.close();    }}

Do not use foreach in your update/insert and ensure that it only updates/inserts a single record. I was running into unsolvable oracle errors by doing it according to the accepted answer (invalid character, statement not ended, etc.). As the linked post indicates, the update (or insert) shown in the accepted answer is actually just a giant sql statement.

In my case also there is same scenario. I used for loop to check whether this record exists in databse or not and then according to that I added this object in to two arraylist for insert or update.And then used batch for insert and update after for loop for that to list.

here is ex. for update according to different where condition

1] this is for update

<foreach collection="attendingUsrList" item="model"  separator=";">    UPDATE parties SET attending_user_count = #{model.attending_count}    WHERE  fb_party_id = #{model.eid}  </foreach>

2] this is for insert

<insert id="insertAccountabilityUsers" parameterType="AccountabilityUsersModel" useGeneratedKeys="false">    INSERT INTO accountability_users         (            accountability_user_id, accountability_id, to_username,            record_status, created_by, created_at, updated_by, updated_at        )     VALUES    <foreach collection="usersList" item="model" separator=",">         (                       #{model.accountabilityUserId}, #{model.accountabilityId}, #{model.toUsername},             'A', #{model.createdBy}, #{model.createdAt}, #{model.updatedBy}, #{model.updatedAt}             )    </foreach></insert>

In dao method declare as

void insertAccountabilityUsers(@Param("usersList") List<AccountabilityUsersModel> usersList);


Here is my batch session code

public static synchronized SqlSession getSqlBatchSession() {    ConnectionBuilderAction connection = new ConnectionBuilderAction();    sf = connection.getConnection();    SqlSession session = sf.openSession(ExecutorType.BATCH);    return session;}SqlSession session = ConnectionBuilderAction.getSqlSession(); 

Actually I already given full example here for this question

In oracle if you want to execute multiple statements at one time you have to enclose your statements in "begin" and "end" block. So try to add attributes to foreach as below. This will definitely work.

<foreach collection="customerList" item="object" open="begin" close=";end;" separator=";">    UPDATE customer SET isActive = #{object.isactive}    WHERE  customerId= #{object.customerId}</foreach>