Natural Sort in MySQL Natural Sort in MySQL sql sql

Natural Sort in MySQL

Here is a quick solution:

SELECT alphanumeric,        integerFROM sorting_testORDER BY LENGTH(alphanumeric), alphanumeric

Just found this:

SELECT names FROM your_table ORDER BY games + 0 ASC

Does a natural sort when the numbers are at the front, might work for middle as well.

Same function as posted by @plalx, but rewritten to MySQL:

DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `udf_FirstNumberPos`;DELIMITER ;;CREATE FUNCTION `udf_FirstNumberPos` (`instring` varchar(4000)) RETURNS intLANGUAGE SQLDETERMINISTICNO SQLSQL SECURITY INVOKERBEGIN    DECLARE position int;    DECLARE tmp_position int;    SET position = 5000;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('0', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;     SET tmp_position = LOCATE('1', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('2', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('3', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('4', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('5', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('6', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('7', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('8', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    SET tmp_position = LOCATE('9', instring); IF (tmp_position > 0 AND tmp_position < position) THEN SET position = tmp_position; END IF;    IF (position = 5000) THEN RETURN 0; END IF;    RETURN position;END;;DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `udf_NaturalSortFormat`;DELIMITER ;;CREATE FUNCTION `udf_NaturalSortFormat` (`instring` varchar(4000), `numberLength` int, `sameOrderChars` char(50)) RETURNS varchar(4000)LANGUAGE SQLDETERMINISTICNO SQLSQL SECURITY INVOKERBEGIN    DECLARE sortString varchar(4000);    DECLARE numStartIndex int;    DECLARE numEndIndex int;    DECLARE padLength int;    DECLARE totalPadLength int;    DECLARE i int;    DECLARE sameOrderCharsLen int;    SET totalPadLength = 0;    SET instring = TRIM(instring);    SET sortString = instring;    SET numStartIndex = udf_FirstNumberPos(instring);    SET numEndIndex = 0;    SET i = 1;    SET sameOrderCharsLen = CHAR_LENGTH(sameOrderChars);    WHILE (i <= sameOrderCharsLen) DO        SET sortString = REPLACE(sortString, SUBSTRING(sameOrderChars, i, 1), ' ');        SET i = i + 1;    END WHILE;    WHILE (numStartIndex <> 0) DO        SET numStartIndex = numStartIndex + numEndIndex;        SET numEndIndex = numStartIndex;        WHILE (udf_FirstNumberPos(SUBSTRING(instring, numEndIndex, 1)) = 1) DO            SET numEndIndex = numEndIndex + 1;        END WHILE;        SET numEndIndex = numEndIndex - 1;        SET padLength = numberLength - (numEndIndex + 1 - numStartIndex);        IF padLength < 0 THEN            SET padLength = 0;        END IF;        SET sortString = INSERT(sortString, numStartIndex + totalPadLength, 0, REPEAT('0', padLength));        SET totalPadLength = totalPadLength + padLength;        SET numStartIndex = udf_FirstNumberPos(RIGHT(instring, CHAR_LENGTH(instring) - numEndIndex));    END WHILE;    RETURN sortString;END;;


SELECT name FROM products ORDER BY udf_NaturalSortFormat(name, 10, ".")