Ormlite escape string method? Ormlite escape string method? sql sql

Ormlite escape string method?

I tried using UpdateBuilder's escapeValue method, but it only makes the following change: 'ormlite's escape func'. It adds single quotes to beginning and end of the statement. Is there a native support for escaping strings to be sql injection safe?

This is a FAQ. The proper way to do this is to use a SelectArg argument so the SQL can use a ? type of construct. Here's another question talking about this.

SelectArg selectArg = new SelectArg(stats);TestDao.queryForFirst(    TestDao.queryBuilder().where().like("stats", selectArg).prepare());

Here's the documentation on the select-arg functionality.


As @Moritz points out, if you are actually updating the database, you can also use the SelectArg with the UpdateBuilder:

SelectArg arg = new SelectArg("Some value");updateBuilder.updateColumnValue(MY_COLUMN, arg);