Pipes and filters at DBMS-level: Splitting the MERGE output stream Pipes and filters at DBMS-level: Splitting the MERGE output stream sql sql

Pipes and filters at DBMS-level: Splitting the MERGE output stream

My understanding is that the main obstacle is the limitation of the OUTPUT clause in SQL Server. It allows one OUTPUT INTO table and/or one OUTPUT that returns result set to the caller.

You want to save the outcome of the MERGE statement in two different ways:

  • all rows that were affected by MERGE for gathering statistics
  • only inserted rows for queue

Simple variant

I would use your S2 solution. At least to start with. It is easy to understand and maintain and should be quite efficient, because the most resource-intensive operation (MERGE into Target itself would be performed only once). There is a second variant below and it would be interesting to compare their performance on real data.


  • Use OUTPUT INTO @TempTable in the MERGE
  • Either INSERT all rows from @TempTable into Stats or aggregate before inserting. If all you need is aggregated statistics, it makes sense to aggregate results of this batch and merge it into the final Stats instead of copying all rows.
  • INSERT into Queue only "inserted" rows from @TempTable.

I'll take sample data from the answer by @i-one.


-- I'll return to commented lines laterCREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTarget](    -- [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,    [foo] [varchar](10) NULL,    [bar] [varchar](10) NULL);CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestStaging](    [foo] [varchar](10) NULL,    [bar] [varchar](10) NULL,    [baz] [varchar](10) NULL);CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestStats](    [MergeAction] [nvarchar](10) NOT NULL);CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestQueue](    -- [TargetID] [int] NOT NULL,    [foo] [varchar](10) NULL,    [baz] [varchar](10) NULL);

Sample data

TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTarget];TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestStaging];TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestStats];TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestQueue];INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestStaging]    ([foo]    ,[bar]    ,[baz])VALUES    ('A', 'AA', 'AAA'),    ('B', 'BB', 'BBB'),    ('C', 'CC', 'CCC');INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestTarget]    ([foo]    ,[bar])VALUES    ('A', 'A_'),    ('B', 'B?');


DECLARE @TempTable TABLE (    MergeAction nvarchar(10) NOT NULL,    foo varchar(10) NULL,    baz varchar(10) NULL);MERGE INTO TestTarget AS DstUSING TestStaging AS SrcON Dst.foo = Src.fooWHEN MATCHED THENUPDATE SET    Dst.bar = Src.barWHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THENINSERT (foo, bar)VALUES (Src.foo, Src.bar)OUTPUT $action AS MergeAction, inserted.foo, Src.bazINTO @TempTable(MergeAction, foo, baz);INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestStats] (MergeAction)SELECT T.MergeActionFROM @TempTable AS T;INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestQueue]    ([foo]    ,[baz])SELECT    T.foo    ,T.bazFROM @TempTable AS TWHERE T.MergeAction = 'INSERT';SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TestTarget];SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TestStats];SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TestQueue];


TestTarget+-----+-----+| foo | bar |+-----+-----+| A   | AA  || B   | BB  || C   | CC  |+-----+-----+TestStats+-------------+| MergeAction |+-------------+| INSERT      || UPDATE      || UPDATE      |+-------------+TestQueue+-----+-----+| foo | baz |+-----+-----+| C   | CCC |+-----+-----+

Second variant

Tested on SQL Server 2014 Express.

OUTPUT clause can send its result set to a table and to the caller. So, OUTPUT INTO can go into the Stats directly and if we wrap the MERGE statement into a stored procedure, then we can use INSERT ... EXEC into the Queue.

If you examine execution plan you'll see that INSERT ... EXEC creates a temporary table behind the scenes anyway (see also The Hidden Costs of INSERT EXEC by Adam Machanic), so I expect that overall performance would be similar to the first variant when you create temporary table explicitly.

One more problem to solve: Queue table should have only "inserted" rows, not all effected rows. To achieve that you could use a trigger on the Queue table to discard rows other than "inserted". One more possibility is to define a unique index with IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON and prepare the data in such a way that "non-inserted" rows would violate the unique index and would not be inserted into the table.

So, I'll add an ID IDENTITY column to the Target table and I'll add a TargetID column to the Queue table. (Uncomment them in the script above).Also, I'll add an index to the Queue table:


Important part is UNIQUE and IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON.

Here is the stored procedure for the MERGE:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[TestMerge]ASBEGIN    SET NOCOUNT ON;    SET XACT_ABORT ON;    MERGE INTO dbo.TestTarget AS Dst    USING dbo.TestStaging AS Src    ON Dst.foo = Src.foo    WHEN MATCHED THEN    UPDATE SET        Dst.bar = Src.bar    WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN    INSERT (foo, bar)    VALUES (Src.foo, Src.bar)    OUTPUT $action INTO dbo.TestStats(MergeAction)    OUTPUT CASE WHEN $action = 'INSERT' THEN inserted.ID ELSE 0 END AS TargetID,     inserted.foo,    Src.baz    ;END


TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTarget];TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestStaging];TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestStats];TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TestQueue];-- Make sure that `Queue` has one special row with TargetID=0 in advance.INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestQueue]    ([TargetID]    ,[foo]    ,[baz])VALUES    (0    ,NULL    ,NULL);INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestStaging]    ([foo]    ,[bar]    ,[baz])VALUES    ('A', 'AA', 'AAA'),    ('B', 'BB', 'BBB'),    ('C', 'CC', 'CCC');INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestTarget]    ([foo]    ,[bar])VALUES    ('A', 'A_'),    ('B', 'B?');INSERT INTO [dbo].[TestQueue]EXEC [dbo].[TestMerge];SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TestTarget];SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TestStats];SELECT * FROM [dbo].[TestQueue];


TestTarget+----+-----+-----+| ID | foo | bar |+----+-----+-----+|  1 | A   | AA  ||  2 | B   | BB  ||  3 | C   | CC  |+----+-----+-----+TestStats+-------------+| MergeAction |+-------------+| INSERT      || UPDATE      || UPDATE      |+-------------+TestQueue+----------+------+------+| TargetID | foo  | baz  |+----------+------+------+|        0 | NULL | NULL ||        3 | C    | CCC  |+----------+------+------+

There will be an extra message during INSERT ... EXEC:

Duplicate key was ignored.

if MERGE updated some rows. This warning message is sent when unique index discards some rows during INSERT due to IGNORE_DUP_KEY = ON.

A warning message will occur when duplicate key values are inserted into a unique index. Only the rows violating the uniqueness constraint will fail.

Consider following two approaches to solve the problem:

  • Merge data into target and output inserted into queue in a single statement, and summarize statistics in the trigger created on target. Batch identifier can be passed into trigger via temporary table.
  • Merge data into target and output inserted into queue in a single statement, and summarize statistics immediately after the merge, using built-in change tracking capabilities, instead of doing it in the trigger.

Approach 1 (merge data and gather statistics in the trigger):

Sample data setup (indexes and constraints omitted for simplicity):

create table staging (foo varchar(10), bar varchar(10), baz varchar(10));create table target (foo varchar(10), bar varchar(10));create table queue (foo varchar(10), baz varchar(10));create table stats (batchID int, inserted bigint, updated bigint, deleted bigint);insert into staging values    ('A', 'AA', 'AAA')    ,('B', 'BB', 'BBB')    ,('C', 'CC', 'CCC')    ;insert into target values    ('A', 'A_')    ,('B', 'B?')    ,('E', 'EE')    ;

Trigger for gathering inserted/updated/deleted statistics:

create trigger target_onChangeon targetafter delete, update, insertasbegin    set nocount on;    if object_id('tempdb..#targetMergeBatch') is NULL        return;    declare @batchID int;    select @batchID = batchID from #targetMergeBatch;    merge into stats t    using (        select            batchID = @batchID,            cntIns = count_big(case when i.foo is not NULL and d.foo is NULL then 1 end),            cntUpd = count_big(case when i.foo is not NULL and d.foo is not NULL then 1 end),            cntDel = count_big(case when i.foo is NULL and d.foo is not NULL then 1 end)        from inserted i            full join deleted d on d.foo = i.foo    ) s    on t.batchID = s.batchID    when matched then        update        set            t.inserted = t.inserted + s.cntIns,            t.updated = t.updated + s.cntUpd,            t.deleted = t.deleted + s.cntDel    when not matched then        insert (batchID, inserted, updated, deleted)        values (s.batchID, s.cntIns, s.cntUpd, cntDel);end

Merge statements:

declare @batchID int;set @batchID = 1;-- or select @batchID = batchID from ...;create table #targetMergeBatch (batchID int);insert into #targetMergeBatch (batchID) values (@batchID);insert into queue (foo, baz)select foo, bazfrom(    merge into target t    using staging s    on t.foo = s.foo    when matched then        update        set t.bar = s.bar    when not matched then        insert (foo, bar)        values (s.foo, s.bar)    when not matched by source then        delete    output $action, inserted.foo, s.baz) m(act, foo, baz)where act = 'INSERT'    ;drop table #targetMergeBatch

Check the results:

select * from target;select * from queue;select * from stats;


foo        bar---------- ----------A          AAB          BBC          CC


foo        baz---------- ----------C          CCC


batchID  inserted   updated   deleted-------- ---------- --------- ---------1        1          2         1

Approach 2 (gather statistics, using change tracking capabilities):

Sample data setup is the same as in previous case (just drop everything incl. trigger and recreate tables from scratch), except that in this case we need to have PK on target to make sample work:

create table target (foo varchar(10) primary key, bar varchar(10));

Enable change tracking on database:

alter database Test    set change_tracking = on

Enable change tracking on target table:

alter table target    enable change_tracking

Merge data and grab statistics immediately after that, filtering by the change context to count only rows affected by merge:

begin transaction;declare @batchID int, @chVersion bigint, @chContext varbinary(128);set @batchID = 1;-- or select @batchID = batchID from ...;SET @chVersion = change_tracking_current_version();set @chContext = newid();with change_tracking_context(@chContext)insert into queue (foo, baz)select foo, bazfrom(    merge into target t    using staging s    on t.foo = s.foo    when matched then        update        set t.bar = s.bar    when not matched then        insert (foo, bar)        values (s.foo, s.bar)    when not matched by source then        delete    output $action, inserted.foo, s.baz) m(act, foo, baz)where act = 'INSERT'    ;with ch(foo, op) as (    select foo, sys_change_operation    from changetable(changes target, @chVersion) ct    where sys_change_context = @chContext)insert into stats (batchID, inserted, updated, deleted)select @batchID, [I], [U], [D]from ch    pivot(count_big(foo) for op in ([I], [U], [D])) pvt    ;commit transaction;

Check the results:

select * from target;select * from queue;select * from stats;

They are same as in previous sample.


foo        bar---------- ----------A          AAB          BBC          CC


foo        baz---------- ----------C          CCC


batchID  inserted   updated   deleted-------- ---------- --------- ---------1        1          2         1

I suggest extracting the stats be coding using three independent AFTER INSERT / DELETE / UPDATE triggers along the lines of:

create trigger dbo.insert_trigger_targeton [dbo].[target]after insertasinsert into dbo.[stats] ([action],[count])select 'insert', count(1)from inserted;gocreate trigger dbo.update_trigger_targeton [dbo].[target]after updateasinsert into dbo.[stats] ([action],[count])select 'update', count(1) from inserted -- or deleted == after / before image, count will be the samegocreate trigger dbo.delete_trigger_targeton [dbo].[target]after deleteasinsert into dbo.[stats] ([action],[count])select 'delete', count(1) from deletedgo

If you need more context, put something in CONTEXT_INFO and pluck it out from the triggers.

Now, I'm going to assert that the AFTER triggers are not that expensive, but you'll need to test that to be sure.

Having dealt with that, you'll be free to use the OUTPUT clause (NOT OUTPUT INTO) in the MERGE and then use that nested inside a select to subset the data that you want to go into the queue table.


Because of the need to access columns from both staging and target in order to build the data for queue, this HAS to be done using the OUTPUT option in MERGE, since nothing else has access to "both sides".

Then, if we have hijacked the OUTPUT clause for queue, how can we re-work that functionality? I think the AFTER triggers will work, given the requirements for stats that you have described. Indeed, the stats could be quite complex if required, given the images that are available. I'm asserting that the AFTER triggers are "not that expensive" since the data of both before and after must always be available in order that a transaction can be both COMMITTED OR ROLLED BACK - yes, the data needs to be scanned (even to get the count) but that doesn't seem like too much of a cost.

In my own analysis that scan added about 5% to the execution plan's base cost

Sound like a solution?