Postgres: Find position of a specific row within a resultset? Postgres: Find position of a specific row within a resultset? sql sql

Postgres: Find position of a specific row within a resultset?

Use analytic/ranking/windowing functionality - 8.4 documentation link:

WITH summary AS (   SELECT t.*,          ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.published_date) AS position     FROM TABLE t)SELECT s.*  FROM summary s WHERE = 65

Alternate without the WITH syntax:

SELECT s.*  FROM (SELECT t.*,               ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.published_date) AS position          FROM TABLE t) s WHERE = 65

The position column will be an integer value representing the location of the record where the id value is 65, based on the published_date column in ascending order. If you want the position value to be duplicated when there are ties, replace ROW_NUMBER() with RANK()