Regular expression to find all table names in a query Regular expression to find all table names in a query sql sql

Regular expression to find all table names in a query

RegEx isn't very good at this, as it's a lot more complicated than it appears:

  • What if they use LEFT/RIGHT INNER/OUTER/CROSS/MERGE/NATURAL joins instead of the a,b syntax? The a,b syntax should be avoided anyway.
  • What about nested queries?
  • What if there is no table (selecting a constant)
  • What about line breaks and other whitespace formatting?
  • Alias names?

I could go on.

What you can do is look for an sql parser, and run your query through that.

Everything said about the usefulness of such a regex in the SQL context. If you insist on a regex and your SQL statements always look like the one you showed (that means no subqueries, joins, and so on), you could use

FROM\s+([^ ,]+)(?:\s*,\s*([^ ,]+))*\s+ 

I found this site that has a GREAT parser!

well worth it. Works a treat.