Replacing a full ORM (JPA/Hibernate) by a lighter solution : Recommended patterns for load/save? Replacing a full ORM (JPA/Hibernate) by a lighter solution : Recommended patterns for load/save? sql sql

Replacing a full ORM (JPA/Hibernate) by a lighter solution : Recommended patterns for load/save?

The answer to your many questions is simple. You have three choices.

  1. Use one of the three SQL-centric tools you've mentioned (MyBatis, jOOQ, DbUtils). This means you should stop thinking in terms of your OO domain model and Object-Relational Mapping (i.e. entities and lazy loading). SQL is about relational data and RBDMS are pretty good at calculating execution plans for "eager fetching" the result of several joins. Usually, there isn't even a lot of need for premature caching, and if you do need to cache the occasional data element, you can still use something like EhCache

  2. Don't use any of those SQL-centric tools and stick with Hibernate / JPA. Because even if you said you don't like Hibernate, you're "thinking Hibernate". Hibernate is very good at persisting object graphs to the database. None of those tools can be forced to work like Hibernate, because their mission is something else. Their mission is to operate on SQL.

  3. Go an entirely different way and choose not to use a relational data model. Other data models (graphs for instance) may better suit you. I'm putting this as a third option, because you might not actually have that choice, and I don't have much personal experience with alternative models.

Note, your question wasn't specifically about jOOQ. Nonetheless, with jOOQ, you can externalise the mapping of flat query results (produced from joined table sources) to object graphs through external tools such as ModelMapper. There's an intersting ongoing thread about such an integration on the ModelMapper User Group.

(disclaimer: I work for the company behind jOOQ)

This kind of problem is typical when not using a real ORM, and there is no silver bullet. A simple design approach that worked for me for a (not very big ) webapp with iBatis (myBatis), is to use two layers for persistence:

  • A dumb low-level layer: each table has its Java class (POJO or DTO), with fields that maps directly to the table columns. Say we have a PERSON table with a ADDRESS_ID field that points to an ADRESS table;then, we'd have a PersonDb class, with just a addressId (integer) field; we have no personDb.getAdress() method, just the plain personDb.getAdressId(). These Java classes are, then, quite dumb (they don't know about persistence or about related classes). A corresponding PersonDao class knows how to load/persist this object. This layer is easy to create and maintain with tools like iBatis + iBator (or MyBatis + MYBatisGenerator).

  • A higher level layer that contains rich domain objects: each of these is typically a graph of the above POJOs. These classes have also the intelligence for loading/saving the graph (perhaps lazily, perhaps with some dirty flags), by calling the respective DAOs. The important thing, however, is that these rich domain objects do not map one-to-one to the POJO objects (or DB tables), but rather with domain use cases. The "size" of each graph is determined (it doesn't grow indefinitely), and is used from the outside like a particular class. So, it's not that you have one rich Person class (with some indeterminate graph of related objects) that is used is several use cases or service methods; instead, you have several rich classes, PersonWithAddreses, PersonWithAllData... each one wraps a particular well-limited graph, with its own persistence logic. This might seem inefficient or clumsy, and in some context it might be, but it happens often that the use cases when you need to save a full graph of objects are actually limited.

  • Additionally, for things like tabular reports, (specific SELECTS that return a bunch of columns to be displayed) you'd not use the above, but straight and dumb POJO's (perhaps even Maps)

See my related answer here

Persistence Approaches

The spectrum of solutions from simple/basic to sophisticated/rich is:

  • SQL/JDBC - hard-code SQL within objects
  • SQL-Based Framework (e.g. jOOQ, MyBatis) - Active Record Pattern (separate general object represents row data and handles SQL)
  • ORM-Framework (e.g. Hibernate, EclipseLink, DataNucleus) - Data Mapper Pattern (Object per Entity) plus Unit Of Work Pattern (Persistence Context / Entity Manager)

You seek to implement one of the first two levels. That means shifting focus away from the object model towards SQL. But your question asks for Use Cases involving the object model being mapped to SQL (i.e. ORM behaviour). You wish to add functionality from the third level against functionality from one of the first two levels.

We could try to implement this behaviour within an Active Record. But this would need rich metadata to be attached to each Active Record instance - the actual entity involved, it's relationships to other entities, the lazy-loading settings, the cascade update settings. This would make it effectively a mapped entity object in hiding. Besides, jOOQ and MyBatis don't do this for Use Cases 1 & 2.

How To Achieve Your Requests?

Implement narrow ORM behaviour directly into your objects, as a small custom layer on top of your framework or raw SQL/JDBC.

Use Case 1: Store metadata for each entity object relationship: (i) whether relationship should be lazy-loaded (class-level) and (ii) whether lazy-load has occured (object-level). Then in the getter method, use these flags to determine whether to do lazy-load and actually do it.

Use Case 2: Similar to Use Case 1 - do it yourself. Store a dirty flag within each entity. Against each entity object relationship, store a flag describing whether the save should be cascaded. Then when an entity is saved, recursively visit each "save cascade" relationship. Write any dirty entities discovered.



  • Calls to SQL framework are simple.


  • Your objects become more complicated. Take a look at the code for Use Cases 1 & 2 within an open source product. It's not trivial
  • Lack of support for Object Model. If you're using object model in java for your domain, it will have lesser support for data operations.
  • Risk of scope creep & anti-patterns: the above missing functionality is the tip of the iceberg. May end up doing some Reinvent the Wheel & Infrastructure Bloat in Business Logic.
  • Education and Maintenance on non-standard solution. JPA, JDBC and SQL are standards. Other frameworks or custom solutions aren't.


This solution works well if you have fairly simple data handling requirements and a data model with a smaller number of entities:

  • If so, great! Do above.
  • If not, this solution's a poor fit and represents false savings in effort - i.e. will end up taking longer and being more complicated than using an ORM. In that case, have another look at JPA - it might be simpler than you think and it supports ORM for CRUD plus raw SQL for complicated queries :-).