Select column value where other column is max of group Select column value where other column is max of group sql sql

Select column value where other column is max of group

For SQL Server (and other products with windowed functions):

SELECT *FROM(   SELECT     *,     ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY value desc) as rn   FROM     UnnamedTable) tWHERE   t.rn = 1

You can use a subquery to get this result:

select, t1.[state] MaxValuefrom yourtable t1inner join(  select id, max(value) MaxVal  from yourtable  group by id) t2  on =  and t1.value = t2.maxvalorder by

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

A solution, based on the assumption that value is numeric:

SELECT  [ID],  [State],  [Value]FROM(  SELECT     [ID],    [State],    [Value],    Rank() OVER (PARTITION BY [ID] ORDER BY [Value] DESC) AS [Rank]  FROM [t1]) AS [sub]WHERE [sub].[Rank] = 1ORDER BY  [ID] ASC,  [State] ASC

If multiple States with the same ID have the same Value, they would all get the same Rank. This is different from using Row_Number, which return unique row numbers, but the order is chosen arbitrarily. (See also: SQL RANK() versus ROW_NUMBER())