Select top 10 records for each category Select top 10 records for each category sql sql

Select top 10 records for each category

If you are using SQL 2005 you can do something like this...

SELECT rs.Field1,rs.Field2     FROM (        SELECT Field1,Field2, Rank()           over (Partition BY Section                ORDER BY RankCriteria DESC ) AS Rank        FROM table        ) rs WHERE Rank <= 10

If your RankCriteria has ties then you may return more than 10 rows and Matt's solution may be better for you.

In T-SQL, I would do:

WITH TOPTEN AS (    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER()     over (        PARTITION BY [group_by_field]         order by [prioritise_field]    ) AS RowNo     FROM [table_name])SELECT * FROM TOPTEN WHERE RowNo <= 10

SELECT r.*FROM(    SELECT        r.*,        ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY r.[SectionID]                          ORDER BY r.[DateEntered] DESC) rn    FROM [Records] r) rWHERE r.rn <= 10ORDER BY r.[DateEntered] DESC