Sort by column ASC, but NULL values first? Sort by column ASC, but NULL values first? sql sql

Sort by column ASC, but NULL values first?

Postgres has the NULLS FIRST | LAST modifiers for ORDER BY expression:

... ORDER BY last_updated NULLS FIRST

The typical use case is with descending sort order (DESC), which produces the complete inversion of the default ascending order (ASC) with null values first - which is often not desirable. To sort NULL values last:

... ORDER BY last_updated DESC NULLS LAST

To support the query with an index, make it match:

CREATE INDEX foo_idx ON tbl (last_updated DESC NULLS LAST);

Postgres can read btree indexes backwards, but for some query plans it matters where NULL values are appended. See:

You can create a custom ORDER BY using a CASE statement.
The CASE statement checks for your condition and assigns to rows which meet that condition a lower value than that which is assigned to rows which do not meet the condition.
It's probably easiest to understand given an example:

  SELECT last_updated     FROM your_table ORDER BY CASE WHEN last_updated IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,          last_updated ASC;