Sorting on the server or on the client? Sorting on the server or on the client? sql sql

Sorting on the server or on the client?

In general, you should let the database do the sorting; if it doesn't have the resources to handle this effectively, you need to upgrade your database server.

First off, the database may already have indexes on the fields you want so it may be trivial for it to retrieve data in sorted order. Secondly, the client can't sort the results until it has all of them; if the server sorts the results, you can process them one row at a time, already sorted. Lastly, the database is probably more powerful than the client machine and can probably perform the sorting more efficiently.

It depends... Is there paging involved? What's the max size of the data set? Is the entire dataset need to be sorted the same one way all the time? or according to user selection? Or, (if paging is involved), is it only the records in the single page on client screen need to be sorted? (not normally acceptable) or does the entire dataset need to be sorted and page one of the newly sorted set redisplayed?

What's the distribution of client hardware compared to the processing requirements of this sort operation?

bottom line is; It's the overall user experience (measured against cost of course), that should control your decision... In general client machines are slower than servers, and may cause additional latency. ... ... But how often will clients request additional custom sort operations after initial page load? (client sort of data already on client is way faster than round trip...) But sorting on client always requires that entire dataset be sent to client on initial load... That delays initials page display.. which may require lazy loading, or AJAX, or other technical complexities to mitigate...

Sorting on server otoh, introduces additional scalability issues and may require that you add more boxes to the server farm to deal with additional load... if you're doing sorting in DB, and reach that threshold, that can get complicated. (To scale out on DB, you have to implement some read-only replication scheme, or some other solution that allows multiple servers (each doing processing) to share read only data)..

I am in favor of Roberts answer, but I wanted to add a bit to it.

I also favor the sorting of data in SQL Server, I have worked on many systems that have tried to do it on the client side and in almost every case we have had to re-write the process to have it done inside SQL Server. Why is this you might ask? Well we have two primary reasons.

  1. The amount of data being sorted
  2. The need to implement proper paging due to #1

We deal with interfaces that show users very large sets of data, and leveraging the power of SQL Server to handle sorting and paging is by far better performing than doing it client side.

To put some numbers to this, a SQL Server Side sort to a client side sort in our environment, no paging for either. Client side 28 seconds using XML for sorting, and Server side sort total load time 3 seconds.