split out file name from path in postgres split out file name from path in postgres sql sql

split out file name from path in postgres

You can easily strip the path up to the last directory separator with an expression like

regexp_replace(path, '^.+[/\\]', '')

This will match the ocassional forward slashes produced by some software as well. Then you just count the remaining file names like

WITH files AS (    SELECT regexp_replace(my_path, '^.+[/\\]', '') AS filename    FROM my_table)SELECT filename, count(*) AS countFROM filesGROUP BY filenameHAVING count(*) >= 2;

select regexp_replace(path_field, '.+/', '') from files_table;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION basename(text) RETURNS text    AS $basename$declare    FILE_PATH alias for $1;    ret         text;begin    ret := regexp_replace(FILE_PATH,'^.+[/\\]', '');    return ret;end;$basename$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;