SQL IN operator using pyodbc and SQL Server SQL IN operator using pyodbc and SQL Server sql sql

SQL IN operator using pyodbc and SQL Server

To expand on Larry's second option - dynamically creating a parameterized string, I used the following successfully:

placeholders = ",".join("?" * len(code_list))sql = "delete from dbo.Results where RESULT_ID = ? AND CODE IN (%s)" % placeholdersparams = [result_id]params.extend(code_list)cursor.execute(sql, params)

Gives the following SQL with the appropriate parameters:

delete from dbo.Results where RESULT_ID = ? AND CODE IN (?,?,?)

You cannot parameterize multiple values in an IN () clause using a single string parameter. The only way to accomplish that is:

  1. String substitution (as you did).

  2. Build a parameterized query in the form IN (?, ?, . . ., ?) and then pass in a separate parameter for each place holder. I'm not an expert at Python to ODBC but I imagine that this is particularly easy to do in a language like Python. This is safer because you get the full value of parameterization.

To expand on Larry and geographika's answers:

ratings = ('PG-13', 'PG', 'G')st_dt = datetime(2010, 1, 1)end_dt = datetime(2010, 12, 31)placeholders = ', '.join('?' * len(ratings))vars = (*ratings, st_dt, end_dt)query = '''    select title, director, producer    from movies    where rating in (%s)       and release_dt between ? and ?''' % placeholderscursor.execute(query, vars)

With the placeholder, this will return a query of:

    select title, director, producer    from movies    where rating in (?, ?, ?)       and release_dt between ? and ?

If you pass in ratings, it'll attempt to fit all of its items into one ?. However, if we pass in *ratings, and each item in ratings will take its place in the in() clause. Thus, we pass the tuple (*ratings, st_dt, end_dt) to cursor.execute().