SQL LIMIT returns no results where no LIMIT returns results SQL LIMIT returns no results where no LIMIT returns results sql sql

SQL LIMIT returns no results where no LIMIT returns results

You are repeating some of the conditions which is not necessary. Try this instead:

SELECT * FROM mm_tfs WHERE    (product_slug LIKE '%football%'  OR product_description LIKE '%football%')   AND schoolid = '8'    AND category_id ='21'LIMIT 4


I have created the following table:

create table mm_tfs2 (schoolid varchar(2), categoryid varchar(2),                       description varchar(20), slug varchar(20));

And 5 times:

insert into mm_tfs2 values (8, 21, '', 'football');

And finally the query:

select * from mm_tfs2 where (slug like '%football%' and schoolid = 8 and categoryid = 21) or (description like '%football%' and schoolid = 8 and categoryid = 21) limit 4;+----------+------------+-------------+----------+| schoolid | categoryid | description | slug     |+----------+------------+-------------+----------+| 8        | 21         |             | football || 8        | 21         |             | football || 8        | 21         |             | football || 8        | 21         |             | football |+----------+------------+-------------+----------+4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So I'm sorry to say that I'm not able to recreate the problem.

Try to put ( ) arround the entire condition

( (...AND...) OR (...AND...) )

Like so:

  SELECT * FROM mm_tfs WHERE   (  (product_slug LIKE '%football%' AND schoolid = '8' AND category_id ='21')    OR (product_description LIKE '%football%' AND schoolid = '8' AND category_id      ='21')  ) LIMIT 4

I think you could clean it up a little bit, you're getting only rows for one school, and one category ID, so there's no reason that you should have to check for those both times:

SELECT *FROM mm_tfsWHERE schoolid = '8'    AND category_id ='21'    AND (product_slug LIKE '%football%'         OR product_description LIKE '%football%')LIMIT 4;