SQL Server : check if variable is Empty or NULL for WHERE clause SQL Server : check if variable is Empty or NULL for WHERE clause sql sql

SQL Server : check if variable is Empty or NULL for WHERE clause

Just use

If @searchType is null means 'return the whole table' then use

WHERE p.[Type] = @SearchType OR @SearchType is NULL

If @searchType is an empty string means 'return the whole table' then use

WHERE p.[Type] = @SearchType OR @SearchType = ''

If @searchType is null or an empty string means 'return the whole table' then use

WHERE p.[Type] = @SearchType OR Coalesce(@SearchType,'') = ''

If you don't want to pass the parameter when you don't want to search, then you should make the parameter optional instead of assuming that '' and NULL are the same thing.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[psProducts] (  @SearchType varchar(50) = NULL)ASBEGIN  SET NOCOUNT ON;  SELECT P.[ProductId]  ,P.[ProductName]  ,P.[ProductPrice]  ,P.[Type]  FROM dbo.[Product] AS P  WHERE p.[Type] = COALESCE(NULLIF(@SearchType, ''), p.[Type]);ENDGO

Now if you pass NULL, an empty string (''), or leave out the parameter, the where clause will essentially be ignored.

WHERE p.[Type] = isnull(@SearchType, p.[Type])