SQL Server: Invalid Column Name SQL Server: Invalid Column Name sql sql

SQL Server: Invalid Column Name

Whenever this happens to me, I press Ctrl+Shift+R which refreshes intellisense, close the query window (save if necessary), then start a new session which usually works quite well.

Could also happen if putting string in double quotes instead of single.

This error may ALSO occur in encapsulated SQL statements e.g.

DECLARE @tableName nvarchar(20) SET @tableName = 'GROC'

DECLARE @updtStmt nvarchar(4000)

SET @updtStmt = 'Update tbProductMaster_' +@tableName +' SET department_str = ' + @tableName exec sp_executesql @updtStmt

Only to discover that there are missing quotations to encapsulate the parameter "@tableName" further like the following:

SET @updtStmt = 'Update tbProductMaster_' +@tableName +' SET department_str = ''' + @tableName + ''' '
