The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'sysobjects', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys' The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'sysobjects', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys' sql sql

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'sysobjects', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'

This was a problem with the user having deny privileges as well; in my haste to grant permissions I basically gave the user everything. And deny was killing it. So as soon as I removed those permissions it worked.

I had the same error and SOLVED by removing the DB roles db_denydatawriter and db_denydatreader of the DB user. For that, select the appropriate DB user on logins >> properties >> user mappings >> find out DB and select it >> uncheck the mentioned Db user roles. Thats it !!

Execute this code on a good server which will provide you the complete rights for PUBLIC role. Copy the output and paste to the server with the issue. Execute. Try logging in again. It fixed our problem.

SELECT  SDP.state_desc ,        SDP.permission_name ,        SSU.[name] AS "Schema" ,        SSO.[name] ,        SSO.[type]FROM    sys.sysobjects SSO        INNER JOIN sys.database_permissions SDP ON = SDP.major_id        INNER JOIN sys.sysusers SSU ON SSO.uid = SSU.uidORDER BY SSU.[name] ,        SSO.[name]