Two different prepared statements in one single batch Two different prepared statements in one single batch sql sql

Two different prepared statements in one single batch

You can try execute the two statement is a single transaction, like this:

connection.setAutoCommit(false);try {    stmt1.execute();    stmt2.execute();    connection.commit();} catch (Exception ex) {    connection.rollback();}

The issue is that addBatch works on a single prepared statement, see this is how you can use multiple sql statements with addBatch.

You cannot execute two different statements in a single batch. As @dan mentioned you can -- and must -- do them in a single transaction.

Another option is to use a stored procedure that can do it all in a single roundtrip to the server while maintaining the benefits of single transaction

I am trying to utilize prepared statements and a batch! I say statements because I would like to send two prepared statements in one batch.

When you're talking of PreparedStatement, a batch is associated with this PreparedStatement object's batch of commands and NOT the other way round. You should look at the javadoc for addBatch() method to know more about this.

So in your case, here's what I would have done:

  • Created a new transaction and set a batch limit
  • Created a set of batch for each PreparedStatement and increment a batch counter
  • Executed the batch when I hit the limit and reset the counter
  • Committed my transaction once I'm done

So your code would look something like this:

preparedStatementWithdraw = connection.prepareStatement(....);preparedStatementDeposit  = connection.prepareStatement(....);boolean autoCommit        = connection.getAutoCommit();int batchLimit = 1000; //limit that you can varyint batchCounter = 0;try{    connection.setAutoCommit(false);    //set the params and start adding your batch statements, as per your requirement, something like    preparedStatementWithdraw.addBatch();    preparedStatementDeposit.addBatch();    batchCounter++;    if(batchCounter == batchLimit){        try{            preparedStatementWithdraw.executeBatch();            preparedStatementDeposit.executeBatch();        }catch(Exception exe){            //log your error        }finally{            preparedStatementWithdraw.clearBatch();            preparedStatementDeposit.clearBatch();            batchCounter = 0;        }    }}finally{        //process if any more statements are remaining in the batch        try{            preparedStatementWithdraw.executeBatch();            preparedStatementDeposit.executeBatch();        }catch(Exception exe){            //log your error        }finally{            preparedStatementWithdraw.clearBatch();            preparedStatementDeposit.clearBatch();        }    //1. depending on your requirement, commit/rollback the transation    //2. Set autocommit to its original value    connection.setAutoCommit(autoCommit);    //3. Resoure management statements}