Using group by and joins in sequelize Using group by and joins in sequelize sql sql

Using group by and joins in sequelize

This issue has been fixed on Sequelize 3.0.1, the primary key of the included models must be excluded with

attributes: []

and the aggregation must be done on the main model (infos in this github issue).

Thus for my use case, the code is the following

models.contracts.findAll({    attributes: ['id', [models.sequelize.fn('sum', models.sequelize.col('payments.payment_amount')), 'total_cost']],    include: [    {        model: models.payments,        attributes: []    }    ],    group: ['']})

Can you write your function as

models.contracts.findAll({    attributes: [        ''    ],    include: [    {        model: models.payments,        attributes: [[models.sequelize.fn('sum', models.sequelize.col('payments.payment_amount')), 'total_cost']]    }    ],    group: ['']})


group: ['', '']