What is the best way to handle multiple permission types? What is the best way to handle multiple permission types? sql sql

What is the best way to handle multiple permission types?

I agree with John Downey.

Personally, I sometimes use a flagged enumeration of permissions. This way you can use AND, OR, NOT and XOR bitwise operations on the enumeration's items.

"[Flags]public enum Permission{    VIEWUSERS = 1, // 2^0 // 0000 0001    EDITUSERS = 2, // 2^1 // 0000 0010    VIEWPRODUCTS = 4, // 2^2 // 0000 0100    EDITPRODUCTS = 8, // 2^3 // 0000 1000    VIEWCLIENTS = 16, // 2^4 // 0001 0000    EDITCLIENTS = 32, // 2^5 // 0010 0000    DELETECLIENTS = 64, // 2^6 // 0100 0000}"

Then, you can combine several permissions using the AND bitwise operator.

For example, if a user can view & edit users, the binary result of the operation is 0000 0011 which converted to decimal is 3.
You can then store the permission of one user into a single column of your Database (in our case it would be 3).

Inside your application, you just need another bitwise operation (OR) to verify if a user has a particular permission or not.

The way I typically go about coding permission systems is having 6 tables.

  • Users - this is pretty straight forward it is your typical users table
  • Groups - this would be synonymous to your departments
  • Roles - this is a table with all permissions generally also including a human readable name and a description
  • Users_have_Groups - this is a many-to-many table of what groups a user belongs to
  • Users_have_Roles - another many-to-many table of what roles are assigned to an individual user
  • Groups_have_Roles - the final many-to-many table of what roles each group has

At the beginning of a users session you would run some logic that pulls out every role they have assigned, either directory or through a group. Then you code against those roles as your security permissions.

Like I said this is what I typically do but your millage may vary.

In addition to John Downey and jdecuyper's solutions, I've also added an "Explicit Deny" bit at the end/beginning of the bitfield, so that you can perform additive permissions by group, role membership, and then subtract permissions based upon explicit deny entries, much like NTFS works, permission-wise.