Android SQLite alternatives [closed] Android SQLite alternatives [closed] sqlite sqlite

Android SQLite alternatives [closed]

There are two nice libs that make data persistance in Android much quicker and simpler to implement as follows;

Cupboard > (backed by sqlite)

Realm >

Realm is the newer one and seems slightly better but both seem to have similar implementations.

Hope this helps.

At the moment there are several embeddable databases out there that you can use in a mobile application. Let’s examine the most popular of them and highlight some of their characteristics that have contributed to their widespread use. The next table gives an overview of the type of the data that each one of these databases can store, the license under which it is distributed, and the platforms it supports. Read more here

List of Database for Android Platform

What about Sugar ORM and Firebase?

Sugar ORM is a library that can be used to interact with SQLite database using Object-Relational Mapping. Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique that used to query and manipulate data from a SQLite database using an object-oriented paradigm. And Sugar ORM takes care of the things like the creation of the database, management of object relationships and provides clear and simple APIs for database operations.

Firebase is a real-time NoSQL cloud-based database. It stores and syncs data with NoSQL cloud-based database in real time. And data is synced across all clients in real-time and remains available when your app goes offline. Data is stored as JSON and developer can browse the data using a web-based console. And it includes offline support as well. It is very easy to integrate Firebase to Android project.

Copied from Alternatives to the SQLite in Android