android sqlite check if inserted new value android sqlite check if inserted new value sqlite sqlite

android sqlite check if inserted new value

insert() method returns the row ID of the newly inserted row, or -1 if an error occurred.


db.insert(AddNewPhysicalPerson, null, newValues);

like this

long rowInserted = db.insert(AddNewPhysicalPerson, null, newValues);if(rowInserted != -1)    Toast.makeText(myContext, "New row added, row id: " + rowInserted, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();else    Toast.makeText(myContext, "Something wrong", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

long result = db.insert(table name, null, contentvalues);      if(result==-1)          return false;           else          return true;

this is good solution for it..

here is another way:-

I don't know if I am too late for your project but have you thought of .lastrowid?

Here is an example of what I did last_rec=self.cursor.lastrowid so lastrec would have the number of the last row inserted.

Here is the info from

Hope it helps, you , or anyone else who wonders about this.

Kind regards and all the best :¬)
