Android SQLite - Cursor & ContentValues Android SQLite - Cursor & ContentValues sqlite sqlite

Android SQLite - Cursor & ContentValues

You can use the method cursorRowToContentValues(Cursor cursor, ContentValues values) of the DatabaseUtils class.


Cursor c = db.query(tableName,             tableColumn,             where,             whereArgs,            groupBy,            having,            orderBy);ArrayList<ContentValues> retVal = new ArrayList<ContentValues>();ContentValues map;  if(c.moveToFirst()) {          do {        map = new ContentValues();        DatabaseUtils.cursorRowToContentValues(c, map);                         retVal.add(map);    } while(c.moveToNext());}c.close();  

I wrote my own version of the DatabaseUtils.cursorRowToContentValues method that David-mu mentioned in order to avoid a bug with parsing booleans. It asks the Cursor to parse ints and floats based on the types in the SQL database, rather than parsing them when calling the methods in ContentValues.

public static ContentValues cursorRowToContentValues(Cursor cursor) {    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();    String[] columns = cursor.getColumnNames();    int length = columns.length;    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {        switch (cursor.getType(i)) {            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_NULL:                values.putNull(columns[i]);                break;            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER:                values.put(columns[i], cursor.getLong(i));                break;            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT:                values.put(columns[i], cursor.getDouble(i));                break;            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_STRING:                values.put(columns[i], cursor.getString(i));                break;            case Cursor.FIELD_TYPE_BLOB:                values.put(columns[i], cursor.getBlob(i));                break;        }    }    return values;}

You can go to thenewboston there's a tut for SQLite(and using ContentValues) from 111-124 :D

Anyway, the one that he taught about ContentValues is in the 117th

Good Luck :D

PS : But he also use a Cursor :)