Android SQLite Error "requesting column name with table name" Android SQLite Error "requesting column name with table name" sqlite sqlite

Android SQLite Error "requesting column name with table name"

In my case, the problem was solved when I used

select table_name.column_name as column_name_alt WHERE ....

and later, in my CursorAdapter, referred to it in the string array only as column_name_alt.

Hope this helps.

So I ran into this problem while creating a Cursor that would be passed to a SimpleCursorAdapter. Turns out that while it's OK to prefix your 'query' columns String[], the subsequent String[] from argument that's passed to the SimpleCursorAdapter constructor does not need to be prefixed in order for the Adapter to map your result set correctly.

I got the same issue few days back and solved the issue using an alternative method. Previously I used the following method to set the cursor to point the column.

String sqlStatement = "SELECT supplierid,suppliercode,suppliername FROM supplierinfo WHERE suppliername  LIKE '%"+query+"%' ";        cursor = db.rawQuery(sqlStatement,null);        if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0){            if (cursor.moveToFirst()){                do {                    int supplierId = cursor.getInt( 0);                    String supplierCode = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex( "suppliercode" )) != null ? cursor.getString( cursor.getColumnIndex( "suppliercode" ) ) : "";                    String supplierName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex( "suppliername" )) != null ? cursor.getString( cursor.getColumnIndex( "suppliername" ) ) : "";                    supplierInfo =  new SupplierInfo();                    supplierInfo.setSupplierID( supplierId );                    supplierInfo.setSupplierCode( supplierCode );                    supplierInfo.setSupplierName( supplierName );                    supplierInfoList.add(supplierInfo);                } while (cursor.moveToNext());            }

After I changed this into the following method it worked for me.

String sqlStatement = "SELECT supplierid,suppliercode,suppliername FROM supplierinfo WHERE suppliername  LIKE '%"+query+"%' ";        cursor = db.rawQuery(sqlStatement,null);        if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0){            if (cursor.moveToFirst()){                do {                    int supplierId = cursor.getInt( 0);                    String supplierCode = cursor.getString(1) != null ? cursor.getString( 1 ) : "";                    String supplierName = cursor.getString(2) != null ? cursor.getString( 2 ) : "";                    supplierInfo =  new SupplierInfo();                    supplierInfo.setSupplierID( supplierId );                    supplierInfo.setSupplierCode( supplierCode );                    supplierInfo.setSupplierName( supplierName );                    supplierInfoList.add(supplierInfo);                } while (cursor.moveToNext());            }