Android Sqlite Transaction and Content Provider Android Sqlite Transaction and Content Provider sqlite sqlite

Android Sqlite Transaction and Content Provider

I solved this issue with this code:

if (!valuesToDelete.isEmpty()) {        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();        String value = null;        for (ContentValues cv : valuesToDelete) {            value = cv.getAsString(kei_id);            if (sb.length() > 0) {                sb.append(", ");            }            sb.append(value);        }        String args = sb.toString();        String selection = kei_id + " IN(" + args + ")";        int total = mContext.getContentResolver().delete(uri, selection, null);        LOGD(TAG, "Total = " + total);    } else {        LOGD(TAG, "No data to Delete");    }


User ContentResolver object to delete multiple rows.

// get the ContentResolver from a context// if not from any activity, then you can use application's context to get the ContentResolver//    'where' is the condition e.g., "field1 = ?" //    whereArgs is the values in string e.g., new String[] { field1Value } ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();cr.delete(ProviderMyDatabase.CONTENT_URI, where, whereArgs);

So any row with (field1 = field1Value) will be deleted.

If you want to delete all the rows then

cr.delete(ProviderMyDatabase.CONTENT_URI, "1 = 1", null);