$ bundle exec rake db:reset command raising couldn't drop db/development.sqlite3 $ bundle exec rake db:reset command raising couldn't drop db/development.sqlite3 sqlite sqlite

$ bundle exec rake db:reset command raising couldn't drop db/development.sqlite3

When you do db:reset, it's running db:drop and db:setup in sequence. Your error message indicates that db/development.sqlite couldn't be deleted.

If you're on Windows, maybe you need to stop your Rails server and console. Otherwise, figure out what's preventing the file from being deleted. It could be permission problem. A reboot may solve the problem too.

I know this is an old post, but I just had this problem (continued sqlite3 issues with Windows), and while rebooting, shutting the command line, and stopping the server didn't work, I did manage to solve it by actually running each of the commands htanta mentioned above sequentially: 1. bundle exec rake db:drop2. bundle exec rake db:create3. bundle exec rake db:migrate

If db:reset is only these commands anyway, I don't understand why it doesn't work but the individual commands do?

Have been trying to resolve the same issue. Stopping Rails Server on Windows didn't help, but restarting the whole environment did the trick, bundle exec rake db:reset went through, but be sure not to start your server before that as it will call the same error.Continue with

$ bundle exec rake db:reset$ bundle exec rake db:populate$ bundle exec rake test:prepare

and start Rails Server after that.